Everything Horse Magazine August 2021 Issue 44 | Page 23

“ If they start napping , you have to identify the gap in their education that has been overlooked .” Shane Breen

a big heart ! Most importantly , the horses are showing they ’ re brave and trainable . All these qualities add up to a highperformance sport horse that will fight for you in the ring and get you in the winner ’ s circle . That is what we are trying to produce here at Breen Equestrian .
Producing young , talented horses is something you have quite a reputation for . What steps do you always take when beginning a horse ’ s career ?
I always take these four steps when producing my young horses from unbroken to jumping at their first shows .
Step 1 : Be confident with them . When the handler is confident around them , the horse becomes relaxed and easier to handle .
Step 2 : I like to long rein them for at least 4 weeks , so it possibly takes me 4-8 weeks to get a horse fully handled and backed . This creates a strong foundation in their education and gives them a good , forward mind to cope with challenges that the modern sport horse faces .
Step 3 : Introducing them to a pole ; I like to start with guide reins , so they are encouraged straight , forward , and build confidence when coming to a fence . This means they are very trainable and always focused .
Step 4 : With the 4-year-olds , I do approximately 5 shows . I like to put them back in the field again as I believe they don ’ t finish growing until they ’ re 6-year-olds . Giving the young horses this time to grow , develop , and be horses give them longevity in their careers .
Are there any signs that you look out for , telling you a horse is not ready to take on the training you provide ? What do you do in this situation ?
If they start napping , you have to identify the gap in their education that has been overlooked . Once it ’ s identified , you go back and re-solidify the young horse ’ s basics . This then gives them the confidence to move forward in their training .