Everyday Party Magazine Spring 2016 2016 | Page 10

CONTINUED: and is smooth and thick. Add the salt and pepper and stir. To your cheese sauce base, add the shredded cheese, cream cheese, and chopped jalapeƱos and stir until the cream cheese is melted. Remove from heat and stir in the cooked macaroni. Add scoops of mac and cheese to the prepared mini-muffin cups, heaping them a little. Sprinkle with panko bread crumbs. Bake for approximately 15 minutes, or until they start to brown on the edges and top. Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes. Remove the bites carefully using a small spatula. Top with jalapeƱos and/or Sriracha sauce for extra heat! Download the free printable Football Banner the first week of February on www.everydaypartymag.com Page 10 Everyday Party Magazine Spring 2016