Cooking Staples
You Should Always Have On Hand
Grocery lists are tedious and time consuming , and once the shopping trip is finally over , we find ourselves still missing ingredients . Usually , specialty items are always remembered . The forgotten items are typically common things like oil or sugar , and as we roll our eyes and pile back into the car to retrieve them , the age old question pops into our heads : “ What else am I forgetting ?”
Below is a complete cooking staple shopping list , to limit these inconveniences . Next time you ’ re planning a trip to the store , double check your pantry to make sure all of these items are in there , and you ’ ll be fully prepared to take on almost any recipe .
1 . Oil 2 . Vinegar
The classic staple . One that never goes unnoticed in quality or quantity . We notice when food is too oily , and we notice when someone has used olive oil over regular vegetable oil . Oils are important to keep on hand at all times , as they can be used as substitutes ( often healthier ) for butter or margarine , and will make a meal , or break it . Olive oil should be in your pantry at all times . Olive oil ’ s properties are delicate , and the taste can vary .
Olive oil can be used as an oil alternative to fry foods and make them a bit healthier , and is also the base for many dressings and marinades . Choose your type of olive oil wisely . Extra virgin is the most delicate , and when heated , its taste can become unpleasant . Extra virgin olive oil is better for a small seasoning base , and vinaigrettes . Refined olive oil is what you ’ ll want to use to fry things with .
There are many different types of oils out there , such as canola , peanut , and coconut oils . Choosing your stockpile all depends on which oils you like to use for recipes , which ones correlate best with your dietary needs , and what you prefer the taste of . Oils can also heal dry skin , be used in hair treatments , and much more , so having a variety of oils is never a bad thing .
Vinegar is oil ’ s best friend when it comes to dressings , dips , and marinades , so be sure to have a variety of vinegars on hand as well . Balsamic vinegar is well known for pairing with olive oil to make a simple dressing for salads . Rice and rice wine vinegar have slight differences in taste , though they are considered to be interchangeable .
It all depends on your preference . Rice wine vinegar is used in a variety of Asian cooking , and has just a hint more of acidity . Rice vinegar is mild and sweeter in taste than regular distilled vinegar , and is commonly used in salad dressings and marinades . Red wine vinegar is used more in actual cooking , as a base for sauces . Having a variety of vinegars on hand will make you unstoppable in the dressing , sauce , and marinade department .