Ever Wondered How To Get Involved In Politics? 1 | Page 3

Continuing Up the Ladder

By now Nicholas has joined and became a member of the Conservative party. It is now up to him to decide how involved in the process, from trying to recruit new members for the party (even his friends) and doing some volunteering, to simply coming out to events when invited or even simply voting when it is time to nominate riding candidates. The thing to remember is that there is nothing to lose by joining a political party and Nicholas has much still to gain. Who knows maybe one day Nicholas' party will receive the spotlight or his party platform may find favour with the general public. For this reason, become involved now and maybe one day Nicholas will become one of these “representatives” everyone has heard so much about.

What does one do in an Election/Riding?

First off, Nicholas has to know what you he wants to run for. For example in Canada there are different sections of office in different areas that you can run for. They are the following: nationally (federally), provincially and territorially, and municipally. Then once Nic now knows where he is running and what his is running for, then he must run a campaign to gain the support of people who are voting. During an election campaign Nicholas and his party would compete against other parties to inform voters about who you are, why should they vote for Nic and/or his party, what issues need to be fixed and how will him and his co-workers fix them, where the Conservatives stand for, and even more. The main objective is to convince the public that Nic and his party are worthy to run the country, province, city, etc.