Ever Wondered How To Get Involved In Politics? 1

Ever Wondered How to Get into Politics?

Nicholas is interested in joining a political party, but has no idea wh

ere to start. In order for him to get started he must first figure out what party is right for him. After Nicholas did his digging into what he stands for, he found the right party that was closest to his standards. This party happened to be conservative, but now he must follow some certain rules and guidelines in order to be apart of this party.

-Support and agree with the aims of the party

-Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada

-Ordinarily reside in Canada

-Complete and submit a membership form

-Sometimes pay a usually small membership fee

These are the requirements for a political party and now that Nic is aware of this he needs to find out how to get accepted into the party. Some parties have an age limit but luckily Nicholas is old enough to vote at 20 and does not need to worry his age. However the sooner the better to join a political party because you get added benefits and really there is ntohing to loose.

-You can take part in the nomination process of candidates so come election time you may actually know the person running on that billboard that is posted around town.

-Most political parties have youth branches within them for younger members.

-Getting yourself involved in the process of politics can give you an awareness of whom or how your country is being run.

-You may be able to provide input and/or advice to influence party leaders and candidates.