© Mark Savage
EVErY tHUrSDaY FroM 6tH JUnE – 11tH JUlY
Musical Bumps
tHE GrEGGS cHilDrEn ’ S rooM , 6pM
Sing to your bump , learn lullabies to help soothe the baby when it arrives , and enjoy gentle exercise with an ‘ active birth ’ focus in this six week course of two-hour classes for pregnant women .
Subsidised by Gateshead adult learning .
tickets : £ 21.60 for the course .
MonDaYS - SatUrDaYS FroM 3rD JUnE - 16tH aUGUSt
Under 5s Music-Making ( 0-4 year olds )
tHE GrEGGS cHilDrEn ’ S rooM , MonDaYS-SatUrDaYS : 9.45 anD 11aM ; tUESDaYS anD WEDnESDaYS aDDitional SESSionS : 1.30pM .
Fun singing , movement and music-making , designed to support your child develop musical and social skills . plus lots of new ideas for songs to sing and games to play at home .
tickets : £ 3 per person ( second child half price ). Special deals for whole term bookings . please note sessions will not run on Bank Holidays . come and join in with our free concourse activities instead !
please note that during the summer holidays ( 22nd July-16th august ), sessions run on Mondays , thursdays and Fridays only .
© Dan Brady
MonDaYS anD tHUrSDaYS FroM 3rD JUnE – 15tH aUGUSt
Babies Babble , Play and Move ( 0-12 months ) tHE GrEGGS cHilDrEn ’ S rooM , 1.30pM
Start a musical journey with your baby in these magical interactive music-making sessions . the activities support your baby ’ s development through music and movement , and can easily be used at home .
tickets : £ 3 per person ( second child half price ). Special deals for whole term bookings .
© Mark Savage
SatUrDaY 8tH JUnE , SatUrDaY 22nD JUnE & SatUrDaY 13tH JUlY
Planet Music ( 5-7 year olds ) tHE GrEGGS cHilDrEn ’ S rooM , 1pM
Blast off on an exciting adventure of musical discovery ! these classes promote the development of musical skills such as singing , pitch awareness , rhythm and movement in an engaging , fun and playful way .
tickets : £ 3 per person ( second child half price )