Events Diaries June - August 2013 | Page 16

SatUrDaY 15tH JUnE YoUnG MUSicianS proGraMME :
Live at the Lit & Phil - Concert of Vocal Music tHE lit & pHil , nEWcaStlE , 3pM
a recital series from the talented musicians from Sage Gateshead ’ s centre for advanced training ( part of the Young Musicians programme ).

tickets : £ 3 ( available from the lit & phil on 0191 232 0192 or library @ litandphil . org . uk ) c

SatUrDaY 15tH JUnE
Tasmin Little Recital
Hall tWo , 7.30pM Mozart Violin Sonata no . 21 in E minor Fauré Sonata no . 1 in a Ravel Violin Sonata no . 2 in G Franck Violin Sonata in a
an evening of stunning musicianship with renowned violinist tasmin little and pianist Martin roscoe , celebrating the transformative power of music in aid of the irene taylor trust ‘ Music in prisons ’.

presented by the irene taylor trust . tickets : £ 20.50 c

© Melanie Winning
© José Manuel Bielsa
SUnDaY 16tH JUnE
BBC Sunday Morning : Clara Mouriz
Hall tWo , 11aM Literes confiado jilguerillo ( acis y Galatea ) Haydn arianna a naxos Schubert ‘ Vedi , quanto adoro ’ ( Didone abbandonata ) Schubert ‘ Mio ben ricordati ’ ( Vier canzonen ) Ravel Shéhérazade ( excerpts ) Ravel Vocalise-étude en forme de Habanera Granados la maja y el ruisenor
For their BBc radio 3 new Generation artists ’ Showcase , Spanish mezzo-soprano clara Mouriz and pianist Joseph Middleton look to women of distinguished courage , ability and noble qualities for inspiration .

tickets : £ 11 c

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