Events Diaries June - August 2013 | Page 11

Roof Walk Experience at Sage Gateshead
© Mark Savage
MoSt WEEKEnDS FroM SatUrDaY 1St JUnE - SatUrDaY 31St aUGUSt
Building Tours
MEEt at WElcoME DESK , 11aM
Go behind the scenes at Sage Gateshead on a tour that visits many areas of the building not normally open to the public . contact ticket office for dates and more information .
tickets : £ 4
MoSt SUnDaYS FroM 2nD JUnE-25tH aUGUSt
Sunday Lunchtime Performances concoUrSE , VarioUS tiMES
come and listen to a range of music on our concourse for free . Full details and timings will be announced on our website : www . thesagegateshead . org / concourse .
Did you know you can perform on the concourse at Sage Gateshead ? if you ’ re a solo artist , in a group or ensemble visit www . thesagegateshead . org / join-in / perform-on-the-concourse .

Concourse Events

FriDaY 28tH JUnE , tHEn EVErY FriDaY FroM 26tH JUlY-FriDaY 30tH aUGUSt ( ExcEpt 23rD aUGUSt )
Jazz Café concoUrSE , 8pM
Enjoy a relaxing evening of jazz against the backdrop of the Quayside . Make an evening of it and dine in our Brasserie or enjoy a drink from one of the bars . Full line up and details will be announced on our website www . thesagegateshead . org / concourse
© David tiernan
Follow in the footsteps of the Olympic Torch and take to the roof of our landmark building , experiencing a spectacular view like no other of NewcastleGateshead . to launch this unique and exciting new attraction we are offering a special introductory price of £ 69 per person ( usual price £ 99 ).
Roof Walk Experience at Sage Gateshead
Roof Walks will be available for a limited time period during the following weekends :
25th – 27th May 1st – 2nd June
15th – 16th June
0191 443 4661 WWW . TheSAGeGATeSheAD . OrG 11