EventPro Magazine - Spring 2015 EventPro Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 11
further. We like to cut and/or tie the t-shirt with ribbon to
really make it your own. Matching t-shirts really make a
group photo look amazing!
After the t-shirts are made and everyone’s wearing them,
we get some fun games started. One of our favorites is
called “Newspaper Costume Contest”. We separate the
group into teams. It works best if you have at least 3
people per team, especially if there are children playing.
Every team gets a stack of old newspapers, scissors,
masking tape, packing tape and/or scotch tape. On the
word “go!”, each team has to create a handmade costume
using only newspaper and tape. One person has to designated
as the “costume” wearer and the other teammates are the
builders/designers. I recommend a 30 minute limit, but you
could make it longer. To set the mood, I will play Halloween
music while the teams work. After the time is up, have a
costume parade and judge for places. Make sure you have
lots of prizes - it’s hard to choose a favorite sometimes. Also,
it’s important to take as many photos as you can!
For lunch, we gather together for our soup potluck. Some
people bring soup or stew, others bring crackers, bread or
rolls and some bring dessert. Whatever you decide on, just
make sure it’s enough to share!
When it starts to get dark and our campsites are glowing with decorations and pumpkins, we have a flashlight
scavenger hunt. I choose about a dozen various Hal-
loween themed items to hide around the
campground. In the past, I’ve made painted wooden
cut-outs, but the dollar store will have lots to choose from
too. Teams split up and use their flashlights to hunt down all
of the items on their list. If you’re creative, make up little clue
poems to help find them. If not, make sure all the items are
out in the open enough to find easily.
Our fall camping trip has become something my family and
friends look forward to all year. It’s something fun to get
everyone outside and enjoying our fall weather. This party
can easily be adapted for other locations and condensed into
one day or afternoon. We have also used some of these ideas
for other holidays. Just make it your own and invite your
family and friends. They’re sure to have a great time!