1. Rest assured that everything will fall into place.
There’s absolutely no need to organize.
2. Begin your planning tomorrow or the next day.
These events are a piece of cake.
3. Ignore Health Department regulations.
After all, the inspector was once on your
softball team.
4. Give everybody
There’s no
need for
5. Assume that
marketing is under
control. The local
media is sure to provide
great coverage as a
news story.
6. Draw up rigid plans.
Flexibility is for gymnasts,
not event organizers.
7. Forget the plan of a simple event.
Get your money’s worth and start
out with a huge multi-day event.
8. Demand help from local
businesses and organizations.
Everyone owes you something.
9. Move the event date around
from year to year. There’s no
reason to establish a tradition.
10. Discard receipts, invoices, and other
records. These things just get in the
way and who needs a checklist. It’s all
in your head, you’ll remember