Wedding Ceremony
In Islam, wedding is a contract between a men a woman to live mutualism as a husband and wife. A formal, binding contract is considered integral to a religiously valid Islamic marriage, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom and bride. The marriage must be declared publicly to avoid ‘fitna’. This wedding ceremony is divided into 2 small event, the ‘akad nikah’ ceremony and ‘makan beradab’ ceremony.
At 8.30 pm, the groom and the bride goes to dressing room where there, they will be beautify by ‘mak andam’ as a makeup artist. While the groom’s family goes to the guest room to have breakfast. As usual, in this place, the groom’s and bride’s family will strengthen tie between them since they will accepted a new family member now. Talking, laughing is normal here to express how their feeling toward this ceremony.
The ‘akad nikah’ ceremony is held in a hall. In this ceremony, the groom is sitting with bride’s male family members where the bridge is sitting at back with their female family members. The bride’s ‘wali’ is her father herself, Muhammad bin Sulong and there was two people from the groom’s family which is selected as a witness for this ceremony, which is me and another older brother. ‘Iman’ is also there as a guide. The ‘wali’ acts as a ‘jurunikah’ where the witnesses have to ensure the ‘lafaz’ from groom is accepted or not. The newlyweds married with dowry of 18 pieces of gold dinar (approximately RM12000).
After the ‘akad nikah’ ceremony is ‘makan beradab’ ceremony. The newlyweds will be pageant with ‘kompang’ and accompanied by ‘Bunga Manggar’. Arrival newlywed’s entourage will be greeted with the splash of ‘Beras Kunyit’. The bride’s family celebrated the arrival of the newlyweds and then those goes to sit in special place provided. In this ceremony, the newlyweds will eating together with the family. After that, the newlyweds goes to slicing the ‘pulut kuning’. The three layer of ‘pulut kuning’ is slicing with a sword successfully. After all the ceremony’s done, the groom’s family departure to home at Kuala Terengganu.