Event Program: 2022 MFG Forum | Page 4

4 Event Program | Tuesday , June 14 , 2022


7:30 a . m . Registration
8:00 a . m . Pre-Event Breakfast hosted by The Center
Connect with CONNEX
9:00 a . m . Welcome / Opening Remarks John Walsh
9:10 a . m .
Opening Keynote :
Chemicals for Daily Life : Overcoming the
Supply Chain Challenge
Jeff Daniel , PVS Chemicals , Inc .
10:15 a . m . Session 1 : Rethinking Manufacturing Supply Chains Brett Smith , Center for Automotive Research
11:00 a . m . Networking Break
11:30 a . m . Session 2 : Community-Engaged Supply Chains Sriram Narayanan , Michigan State University
12:15 p . m . Networking Lunch
1:20 p . m .
Session 3 :
The Michigan-Ontario Corridor : A Supply
Chain and Trade Advantage
Earl Provost , Ontario Agent-General
2:05 p . m . Networking Break
2:30 p . m . Session 4 : Small and Mid-Sized Manufacturers Panel
Mike Powell , Jordan Thieme , Anita Quillen , Kevin Bagby
3:20 - 4:05 p . m . Networking Reception
All sessions are held in the Roy E . Willbanks Ballroom .