Event Program: 2022 MFG Forum | Page 10

Event Program | Tuesday , June 14 , 2022
The Michigan-Ontario Corridor : A Supply Chain and Trade Advantage
Earl Provost , Ontario Agent-General
Two-way trade between Ontario and Michigan is worth more than $ 45 billion annually and the province contains two of the most consequential land border crossings between our nations , making Ontario a critical partner in a strong manufacturing supply chain and the economic security of the entire Great Lakes Region . Earl Provost was appointed by the Premier of Ontario to put a laser focus on growing economic partnerships across the region and will speak about challenges and opportunities that are on the horizon .
Small and Mid-Sized Manufacturer Panel
Facilitator : Mike Powell , Principal - Director of Tax Consulting and Manufacturing Services , Rehmann
Jordan Thieme , Director of Operations , Amigo Mobility International , Inc . Anita Quillen , President & CEO , Diversified Engineering & Plastics Kevin Bagby , CFO , Tribar Technologies
No industry or any company has been left untouched by the supply chain crisis . Though much attention has been paid to the large-scale impact of supply chain disruption on large manufacturers , small and mid-sized companies have also been forced to innovate to maintain business continuity and their relationships with customers . Don ’ t miss this dynamic discussion of innovative industry leaders sharing tactics for adapting to and overcoming challenges .