EVDG VOL.2 | Page 8

THE EVERYDAY GIRL LAURA’S BOUTIQUE 229 RT. 52 CARAMEL, NY (845) 520-8005 My story ... I came to the us in 1992 when civil war broke out in my country ... We came as immigrants me my mom my dad and little brother We had to escape war so we tried to leave the country and get to the us where it was safe .... My mom and brother made it first try however me and my dad got arrested in Germany stayed in a jail cell with 50 other people all from Africa they were trying to escape as well... I turned 9 years old in jail ... And for my birthday these nice men whom we couldn’t communicate due to the language differences made me a teddy bear of clothing which was thrown away by the officers... These men would also save me half of their cheese sandwiches to give me to eat at night.. We would play cards to pass the time... Because I was so young they didn’t separate me from my dad once we were released I remember them crying as we said goodbye. It took 4 tries for us to finally make it into the us Where we were taken in happily as victims of war. From there my parents had to work low class jobs just to make it. And now my parents have done so Much to create best life for me and my brother So we started from nothing and have done well as a family I have seen what the us military does and how it helped me and my family during war and I respect and volunteer to help all veterans ...I’m proud to now be American and proud at what this country does to help people all around the world in time of war All these experiences made me a stronger and a better person ... I also respect everyone around me because you never know what battles people have faced or are facing so I don’t judge or criticize or ever put down anyone ... 8 yourmagz