Evaluation question 4 Evaluation | 页面 2

A DSLR camera:

We used a Nikon 5300 to shoot our music video, as well as to take the images for our CD package and band website (of the band). Due to its flippable screen, it made it easier when it came to shooting shots such as the one where we were all in it (at the beginning of the sleepover narrative), to make sure that we were all in frame and that the shot looked how we wanted it to. Using this camera also enabled us to shoot high quality shots, and was quick when transporting the footage and images to the computer.


We used an IPhone when shooting the landscape shots (which we used on our band website and on the front and back cover of our CD). Because we also had quick access to our social media on our phones, we were also able to upload some photos onto the platforms, including some 'behind the scenes' shots, to keep our audience interested in what we were doing (like a real band or artist would usually do). Using our phones, we also discussed plans for shooting times on a group chat on Facebook messenger

Hardware that we used:

Green screen:

When we were taking photos for our Cd front and back cover, we used a green screen behind the band members, as it was easier to cut the band members out and place them on a different background when editing (a forest). This also made them look 3D on the background, which some people said they liked in our audience feedback (also

Following our comic/horror theme). Our use of the green screen also demonstrated how we were able to edit our own unique photos, instead of just using a regular one, we decided to add a totally different background.

We also used the green screen for the back cover of the booklet, as by adding a brick wall behind the band members, it meant that we were keeping the same theme throughout the booklet (showing continuity).


We used this to print out things such as our one page pitch, CD booklet drafts (to see how everything would fit before printing off the final thing). This meant that our final product fitted exactly how it should have.