Recent headlines of Justin Bieber have shown him spitting on his fans and treating them rudley when he turned up to a concert 30 minutes late. We wanted Livvy to show the same attitude towards her fans, therefore in the trailer we show a clip of her calling her fans 'Annoying'. This is developing a convnetion that the music star doesnt care about their fans because they dont actually know them , which is what celebirties say alot about fans 'they think they know me'.
Child stars have a tendency to turn into spolit brats and are known in the media as 'divas' so to develop this idea into our teaser trailor we made Livvy demand outragous things, for xample in one scene she shouts to a waiter ' Why is their cheese on my pizza? Did I ask for chese on my pizza?'
Other diva tendancies that we show Livvy to have in the Life of Livvy is too much self confidence, and acts like everyone wants to be her. She is seen saying 'I have the life everyone wants' and 'if i wasn't me id love me too'. We wrote this into the script to show how fame goes to peoples head especally young children who are the people we make famous today. By doing this is developes the idea that celebrities arent real people who dont live in the real world.
Music-documentaries show a false reality of the personality of a music star, opposed to what is scene in the media so we wanted to create a music-documenatary they showed celebrities how they are seen in the media. To do this we incorperated the attitude of Miley Cyrus into the character of Livvy. When asked what she spends her money on Livvy replies "clothes, partying, anything the F"@! I want' Because Livvy is 13 partying indicated her drinking habbits that break the law s teen idols do. This shows how they are bad role models to young children who look up to them.