EuroTravel Magazine 3 | Page 24

Rural France Supplement



and not just the bubbles

Essoyes , Renoir ’ s Village
London is officially the Champagne capital of the world , with Britain just declared the biggest importer of Champagne . For the first time , the consumption of white wine will overtake red on these tipsy isles . With that in mind , a visit to the homeland of the world ’ s best bubbles is called for – both to celebrate the news and to see whether Champagne , as a region , can seduce us with more than bubbles . By Lisa Gerard-Sharp
At first sight , my mission looks as flat and featureless as the landscape across the Channel . Champagne ’ s fortunes seem to be reversed on this side of the Channel . Champagne sales are used as a barometer of French health and happiness : in 2013 the omens aren ’ t good , with a five percent fall considered the greatest indictment of Francois Hollande ’ s presidency so far .
24 | EuroTravel