Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2015 magazine | Page 13

Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2015 Eurotransplant 4.0 With his presentation „Eurotransplant 4.0‟ leaving Board member Prof. Mühlbacher provided his personal view and experiences on the past and future developments of Eurotransplant. He presented a timeline of Eurotransplant which he divided in several periods. He referred to Eurotransplant 1.0 as the pioneer phase with Prof. Van Rood. During these early days there was a strong development and success in improving the match: the better the match, the better the results. The next years, presented as the period Eurotransplant 2.0, was a phase where enthusiasm of the ET Directors, Dr. Cohen and Dr. Persijn, played an important role. They were very visible in the transplantation field as ambassadors of international cooperation. Also in this phase, among others the annual and winter meetings were developed and the democratic structure of ET was established. The next period - Eurotransplant 3.0 - was a time under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Yves Vanrenterghem, wherein there was a strong focus on allocation. Also in these years, organ donation, allocation, transplantation and follow-up were separated. The ET cooperation grew with the entrance of a new member state: Slovenia (2001). A new phase started in 2005, when both a new President (Dr. Meiser) and new team of Directors (Arie Oosterlee MD / General Director and Dr. Axel Rahmel / Medical Director) started in their positions. Prof. Mühlbacher referred to this phase as Eurotransplant 3.1. In this phase the role and importance of allocation development has been continuously growing. Looking forward to the future – the Eurotransplant 4.0. period – Prof. Mühlbacher recommends ET to concentrate and improve the registry of transplant follow-up data as essential input for optimizing the organ transplantation. Also creating a living donor registry should be facilitated, to contribute to ruling out trafficking and also, to obtain long-term data on risk factors. Last but not least, he mentioned that from his point of view, the structure of the ET Council should be upgraded to have the decision makers on board. In his closing words, Prof. Meiser thanked both speakers and expressed his sincere thanks to Prof. Mühlbacher for all he has done for Eurotransplant in the past 20 years! Report Annual Meeting 2015 | Eurotransplant 13