European Policy Analysis Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2016 | Page 218

European Policy Analysis - Volume 2, Number 1 - Spring 2016 Why You Should Read My Book Sager, Fritz, and Patrick Overeem, eds. The European Public Servant: A Shared Administrative Identity? Colchester: ECPR Press.2015. ISBN: 9781907301742. Patrick Overeem, Universiteit Leiden, Campus Den Haag O ur book departs from the basic idea, promoted by the European Union, that European public policy needs to be embedded in a European administrative space. So far, however, no one seems to know exactly whether there is a shared European administrative identity and what it looks like. The various contributions in this volume set out to explore indications of family traits of the European public servant. And indeed, while there is no clear-cut overall identity, there are many characteristics shared across various European countries. This book helps you understand, from both historical and comparative perspectives, the heterogeneous phenomenon of the European public servant. doi: 10.18278/epa.2.1.11 Reimut Zohlnhöfer and Friedbert W. Rüb, eds. Decision Making under Ambiguity and Time Constraints. Assessing the Multiple-Streams Framework.Colchester: ECPR Press. (ISBN 9781785521256) Friedbert Rüb, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany O ur book assesses the analytical clout of Kingdon’s Multiple-Streams Framework, which is widely used and well established in policy studies. Highranking experts and talented junior researchers apply the Framework in their theoretically and empirically profound contributions. Different national contexts, such as Germany, Greece, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and United States, are covered and a wide variety of policy areas such as abortion, climate change, foreign policy, healthcare, internal security, nonsmoking regulations, social policy, and tax policy are investigated. This coherently edited book offers an excellent overview of key comparative issues and will fascinate you, especially if you work with the now-classic MultipleStreams Framework. doi: 10.18278/epa.2.1.12 218