European Policy Analysis Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2016 | Page 10

Refugees and Migration in Europe Asian religious and political ideas will get a chance to dominate the world society in the future. Even in Europe, the migration issue has created a certain alliance of Leftist parties with the nativism of Asian and African countries which was contrary to the still predominant beliefs in European values. Max Weber once emphasized the difference between “the ethics of conviction” (Gesinnungsethik) and the “ethics of responsibility” (Verantwortungsethik). Western values threaten to be abused by unrealistic emphasizers of the “ethics of conviction” as well as by Asian and African ideologues. Many of them refuse the Western concept of universal human values, although they recently proved their value in the widespread help for refugees from Asia and Africa by normal citizens in Europe. Immigration is rediscovered as a phenomenon which existed in many periods of European history. When after 200 years, Germans in Brazil still speak a German dialect, this was praised by some observers, in a time when the obligation of immigrants to learn German is widely discussed among German Democrats. One of the most disputed topics on migration is the assessment whether immigrants are useful for the economy of a guest country. Frequently wrong comparisons are offered, such as the Russian Jews immigrating to Israel, who generally had a much higher level of education than the Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia. The 14 million German speakers who came from Eastern Europe and had to be accepted by the two Germanys after 1945 are also hardly comparable to Arabs in Scandinavia or Germany since they knew German, were well educated, and had the stubborn will to be economically successful. By about 1960, they had almost reached the income levels of West German citizens. In German politics, the main targets of policies in the field of migration mentioned by leading politicians (Klöckner 2016, 21) are as follows: • Facilitating the integration of refugees • Securing the outer borders of Europe • Distribution of refugees amongst the European countries and the German Laender • Fighting against the military and economic causes of emigration • Allaying civil war in Syria. In these five areas a lot has been done. But Europe is far from succeeding. 1) The integration of refugees depends on how long most of them stay in Europe. Certainly, in the future, many will go back, partly disappointed with the living conditions in the camps and other accommodation facilities in the European area, partly because the conditions at home will improve— whether economically, politically, or otherwise. The older generation of migrants endorsed this assumption. Last year, more Turks, living under decent conditions in Germany, moved back to Turkey than the numbers of those Turks who came to Germany. Most of the parties agree that the refugees have to accept the values of Western democracy and to learn the language of the country. Sometimes there are, however, strange controversies when Leftists are so committed to “understanding foreign citizens” that they accept, for example, masking women with Burkas in public—widely not accepted by the citizens’ home country. 10