Europe in the Classroom this is volume 2 of the Europe in the classroom | Page 10


Establish an international policy

An international policy sets out the context for your international work -what you seek to achieve by it, how you link it to the curriculum, what activities you will use to deliver it and how they will be evaluated

On the page opposite, there is an example of an international policy document template. Clearly this can be altered and modified to suit individual schools.

The International School Award helps you to benchmark your international work. There are three levels, aimed at schools at all stages of their international journey, from starting out to fully embedding an international element in your curriculum work. Achieving full accreditation demonstrates your commitment to governors, parents and prospective teachers.

The most effective way to get international activity to really work for your school and your students is to appoint an international co-ordinator who has overall responsibility for implementing the international policy

schools online resouces

Appoint an international co-ordinator

Consider the International School Award

Good Practice setting up multicultural networks. British Council Schools online guide

International education works across the curriculum, ideally as a part of normal teaching, to equip your students with:

• knowledge and respect for other countries and cultures

• knowledge of global issues

• cross-cultural communication skills (including but not limited to language learning)

There are plenty of examples of international activities that you can be used across the .curriculum on the British Council’s Schools on Line website, To access these navigate to the section Classroom Resources for Teachers.