Improved self-esteem and well-being
Improved relationships and behaviour (reductions in bullying and exclusions and
improved attendance)
Pupils feel empowered to respect the environment and the rights of others
Improved engagement in learning
Positive attitudes towards diversity in society and the reduction of prejudice
Staff development is a benefit for school. "Working collaboratively with another teacher boosts your confidence and improves your own skills" said Paul Barber.
Nurturing the enthusiasm of colleagues who are passionate about international partnerships is crucial at the start. however its not working with the other school that's the challenge, it's working in your own school, but people are so much more motivated when they come back - they are completely fired up."
At the Academy of Shotton Hall , International education has helped bring theEurope into the classroom and build teaching expertise by enhancing the curriculum and bringing fresh perspectives to teaching and learning.
Contact with people from other countries can create strong realities, and make a lesson more vividly understood than any book or teacher could manage, says Ian Kell, Erasmus co-ordinator at the Academy of Shotton Hall
"It connects the curriculum and the learning they're doing to the real world. In geography, for instance, we had Croatian visitors contrasting the impact of tourism on their regions with similar issues in northern England It brings it to life."