E twinning and Collaboration
How do we set up an Etwinning project to ensure that students remain motivated engaged and challenged.
Collaboration is essential
Collaboration is a joint effort between two or more people, to produce an output in response to a common goal or
shared priority. Often the output is greater than what any
of the individuals could have achieved working alone.
Thomas Kayser 2015
Cooperation; people divide a task into
smaller subtasks that they can do
individually, then assemble the outcome
of these subtasks together to produce a
common outcome.
Collaboration. A task is divided into stages with all the people involved working together at each stage,
completing it then moving to the next.
The true benefits of collaborative
learning can only be achieved through the latter approach and not through cooperation.
Libero Lacus M42
The benefits of collaborative learning are mainly in the discussions arising among the
students. During collaboration, students engage in activities such as explanation, disagreements and mutual regulation. These activities trigger learning mechanisms
such as knowledge elicitation andinternalization. Such learning mechanisms donot normally occur when learning individually
When planning a project always try and keep in mind what the project's driving question is. Whatever we are trying to achieve, it should be something we cannot google. It should require research and inquiry by the students.