Is Germany carrying
the rest of the EU?
ermany has recently been
in the news thanks to them
considering bailing out Greece
for the third time since its
already whopping €56 billion in
bail outs, after recent talks
between Merkel and Tsipras.
Why has Germany been looked
at for this financial help? The
main reason is that they were
one of the first countries to be
able to bounce back, after the
global crisis in 2008, and so
have been having more growth
and have therefor been looked
upon as one of the
economically leading countries
of the EU. This has
given them the
money and
confidence to be able
to lend a helping
hand to its struggling
EU neighbours like
Germany’s GDP was at $3.73
trillion as of 2013 and the
EU’s total GDP is $18.45
trillion. Although this does
seem like a lot it is even more
surprising when you see that
between the UK, France and
Germany they have almost
exactly a half of the EU’s total
GDP. So although it does
seem like Germany is carrying
the EU alone in a lot of media
it is really a three man job
between the UK, France and
Germany not just Germany