coverstory_cover story 30/08/2013 12:13 Page 5
while there are some details to be resolved, UHD has the momentum and support of key stakeholders across the industry to make it successful,” he says. MOMENTUM. According to Wrede, in 2014 the industry can expect to see the introduction of many more UltraHD TV sets, integration of the HEVC standards in Ultra-HD flat screens, first professional HEVC real-time encoders, increase in demo channel activities and possibly more internal testing of broadcasters to broadcast in Ultra HD. “All of which shows that the industry is gaining momentum towards the commercialisation of Ultra-HD.” Snell's product manager, Paola Hobson notes that ESPN has become the latest broadcaster to announce the closure of its 3DTV service citing a lack of subscribers. “In contrast, many broadcasters and content owners have announced their intention to introduce 4K UHDTV services, and several are actively engaging in trials. 4K UHDTV is a very promising new opportunity for broadcast and media organisations. It opens up the possibility to develop new revenue streams from innovative new services, with much scope for new artistic freedom for programme producers. Many elements in the equipment chain from production to consumer are already available or are in development by manufacturers, bringing the move to 4K UHDTV within the reach of many broadcast and media organisations. Consumer displays are on sale now, setting an expectation of services to come.” “The chain to the consumer is facilitated by advanced compression technology, including the emerging High Efficiency Video Codec (HEVC). Both Eutelsat and ASTRA have announced the launch of a 4K UHDTV transmission capability. Eutelsat's “4K UHDTV is a very promising new opportunity for broadcast and media organisations.” PAOLA HOBSON, SNELL
demonstration channel allows broadcasters to experiment with 4K UHDTV services at 40Mbps compressed using MPEG-4. The first European 4K UHDTV test transmission over DVB-T2 was made during the Mobile World Congress in March 2013. It is clear that consumer services are being developed rapidly,” she suggests. “Apart from studio releases and premium sports, 4K is pre H??\??K??'H?RU?SP??SSQS?S???S?T???[HX????[?\??[?\?[?KR??[HX?????[???H??H[?H?H\?O?8?'??[?\?\?X[HH?\??\?K?[??H???[Y\??Y??]?X?????Y\??\?Y???[?]X[]H[?]?\??]K?[??\?H?\????Y[H??HH]?\??[??H??[?\??\?\?H?\??]?[??K\?^K?X??[?H?^K8?'H?^\??X\?K?X???[??????\?H\?H[[Y[???HX??X?[?[?\?[??Y[??H8?&??[YH?]x?&H]\?H?[?Z[??\??\??Y?]H??[?\??[??YH[?H?\??\?H?[?KR???Y?\?[??
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