coverstory_cover story 26/11/2014 18:57 Page 1
With consumers
increasingly demanding
'TV Everywhere' access
to their content, across a
range of managed and
unmanaged networks, as
well as to a plethora of
devices, the need to
ensure QoE for the enduser requires new testing
and monitoring
techniques. Euromedia
spoke to a range of
sector players to find out
how they are responding
to market dynamics and
enabling their
broadcaster and service
provider clients to
maintain market share
and protect revenue.
Test and Monitor
Segment Survey 2014
Euromedia: What are the main challenges
in maintaining QoE as networks transition
video distribution from DVB to IP? Do
hybrid networks demand hybrid monitoring
Agama: Moving from traditional DVB
services to all IP or hybrid architectures
enables new service offerings such as ondemand services, network PVR and others.
This creates much more flexibility but adds
complexity. This complexity needs to be
managed by monitoring and service
assurance on IP as well as the RF side. With
hybrid solutions deployed they will need an
hybrid approach to monitoring which takes
into account the different properties of IP
and DVB.
Bridge Technologies: It’s all about
maintaining a quality of service throughout
the distribution chain. QoE is dependent on
the quality of the signal you transmit. For IPbased distribution (and especially OTT) there
are different metrics and different
paradigms, but apart from that it’s exactly
the same as traditional DVB: you would