Euromedia March | Page 36

Navigate Your Test Destiny Cloud-based Workforce TX300S Multi-service Test Set W NE Ethernet up to 10G Pay-asyou-go SyncE/PTP CPRI/OBSAI FibreChannel Floating Options Auto Update T1-OC192 E1-STM64 Why choose one direction? VeEX understands that your testing needs and available budget don’t always align. To overcome this, the new TX300S multiservice test platform can be customized on demand, anywhere, anytime by VeExpress™, a powerful web-based management system. Share test options, purchased or leased, with multiple devices or purchase a base unit and rent the interfaces or options as required. No matter where your project roadmap takes you, the TX300S will allow you to control your test destiny. T h e Verific ation Ex perts Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: +1.510.651.0500 Fax: +1.510.651.0505 TX300S Platform with VeExpress* $4,995 for 1GE/10GE $6,995 for 1GE/10GE & E1-STM64 *Patent pending. TX300S is the right choice