dairy_diary 12/07/2013 17:23 Page 1
Diary llll
August 6-8 ABTA 2013 lll São Paulo Converge Comunicações http://abta2013.com.br/en +55 (11) 3138-4600 September 6-11 IFA lll Berlin Messe Berlin www.ifa-berlin.com +49 30 - 4799 7484 12-17 IBC llll Amsterdam IBC www.ibc.org +44 (0)20 7832 4100 18-20 CTAM EuroSummit '13 lll Barcelona CTAM www.eurosummit13.com. + 36 1 475 1242 26 The Future of Digital Media Distribution lll London IHS Screen Digest www.screendigest.com/events/ sites/fdm/home +44 (0)20 7424 2888 October 1-3 CDN World Summit lll London Informa http://cdnworldsummit.com +44 (0)20 7017 5506 7-10 MIPCOM lll Cannes Reed MIDEM www.mipcom.com +33 1 41 90 44 41 9-11 Broadcast India lll Mumbai Saicom www.broadcastindiashow.com +91 - 22 - 22151396 http://mena.tvconnectevent.com +44 (0)20 7017 5506 12-14 AfricaCast lll Cape Town Informa http://africacast-event.com +44 (0)20 7017 5506 13-15 NewsXchange lll Marrakech NewsXchange http://www.newsxchange.org +90 212 299 9984 19-21 DigiWorld Summit lll Montpellier IDATE www.digiworldsummit.com +33 467 144 447 19-21 SATIS lll Paris Reed Expositions France www.satis-expo.com +33 1 47 56 65 29 19-22 OTTtv Summit lll London Informa http://ottworldsummit.com +44 (0)20 7017 5506 20-22 Monaco Media Forum lll Monte Carlo Monaco Mediax www.monacomediaforum.org/ +377 93 10 40 60
21-23 SCTE Cable-Tec Expo lll Atlanta SCTE http://expo.scte.org +1 610-363-6888 21-24 Digital Hollywood Fall lll Marina Del Rey Digital Hollywood www.digitalhollywood.com +1 212-352-9720 21-24 CASBAA Convention lll Hong Kong CASBAA www.casbaa.com +852 2854 9913 22-23 Appsworld lll London Six Degrees www.apps-world.net/europe +44 (0)117 973 2353 22-24 Broadband World Forum Europe 2013 lll Amsterdam Informa www.broadbandworldforum.com +44 (0)20 7017 5506
23-25 EEBC lll Kiev Techexpo www.eebc.net.ua + 380 (44) 461 99 62 23-25 TelcoVision lll Las Vegas UBM Tech www.telcovisiononline.com/ lasvegas/ +1 949 223-3614 November 5-6 TV Connect Middle East and Africa lll Dubai Informa
l Magazine distribution. ll As above + Reporter in attendance. lll As above + Euromedia is a promotional partner of the organisers. llll As above + exhibiting. If you feel your event should be included in Euromedia’s events calendar, please send details to: [email protected] or to Events Calendar, Euromedia, Advanced Television Ltd, Bondway Commercial Centre, 4th Floor, 71 Bondway, London SW8 1SQ