Euro Physics News 54-2 | Page 5


[ EPS EDITORIAL ] The EPS in 2023


am taking up my pen again after the enthusiastic editorial of the EPN ’ s previous issue , co-written by Anne Pawsey , new Secretary General of the European Physical Society ( EPS ), and David Lee who will retire at the end of March . Former secretary of the International Association of Physics Students ( IAPS ), Anne , who holds a PhD in physics from the University of Edinburgh , worked as Graduate School Coordinator and Knowledge Exchange Development Manager in Scotland before moving to Germany as Teaching and E-Learning Coordinator at the University of Göttingen . Her profile , in line with many societal missions of the EPS , naturally led to her recruitment . Welcome , Anne , to your new home ! We look forward to ​working with you to better support our Young Minds , strengthen our activities in physics education , open up more to the industry and modernise our digital tools at the service of our broad community .
I have a heartfelt thought for David Lee , Secretary General of the EPS for more than 25 years , who has done so much for our Society , with exemplary intelligence , kindness and diplomacy . We shall remember his key role in the innumerable discussions with the various presidents and CEOs of our 42 Member Societies or collaborating societies , and in the organisation of major events such as the International Year of Physics ( 2005 ) or that of Light ( 2015 ), without forgetting the first edition of the EPS Forum ( 2022 ). David will be remembered by all EPS members as an outstanding facilitator . Good continuation , David . We will always be honoured to receive your wise advices for our future .
The EPS executive committee met on January 30 and 31 , 2023 in Brussels , in order to decide on the actions of our Society for the coming year . Several projects for 2023 abound in the orientations mentioned above and can be listed down into four points . i / Revision of the EPS communication tools : Under Anne ' s leadership , a strong impetus will be given to improve our communication means . The eps . org site should be overhauled to increase the number of visitors and be more user-friendly for all our members . A new working group , internal to the EPS secretariat , has already been set up to adapt our communication policy and improve the use of social networks to current times . Another one , dedicated to the EPS publications , is under consideration .
ii / Improving our actions for physics education : A reflection on the theme of physics training and the leaps between educational programmes in secondary school and at university is in progress . This work goes well beyond the Physics Education Division as learning in physics touches many sectors , including the role of physics in society , citizen science ( highlighted in the present issue ) and the support to developing countries . Let us also mention close initiatives taken by the European Integration Committee ( EIC ), now led by Gertrud Zwicknagl ( member of the EPS executive committee ), whose projects in 2023 are to organise PhD schools , explore new training programmes – in particular to increase research funding in Eastern Europe – take part in Physics Olympiads , and obtain special supports for Ukrainian students and professors . iii / Strengthening links with the Divisions , Groups and Committees of the EPS : The synergies between the EPS Secretariat and our Divisions , Groups and Committees will be amplified . An online meeting with the chairs of the EPS Divisions and Groups is planned . In addition , specific actions that can lead to cooperation between different EPS bodies will be favored within the framework of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development ( IYBSSD ). One of them , for example , aims to organise a hands-on event on optical technology in the Balkans , supported by both the EIC and the Technology & Innovation Group . Another project is to increase the number of travel grants for young researchers working in low-income countries through our partnership with APS and ICTP / Trieste . iv / Expanding our services for our Associate Members : We shall not relax any of our efforts to attract more Associate Members , in particular those working in the industrial sector . The first day “ Physics meets industry ” organised during the EPS Forum in Paris last June will be repeated during the second edition of the Forum . Last but not least , a new website - epsconnect . org - now allows our Associate Members to benefit from an exchange platform on projects linking industrial companies and research infrastructures , and to share student CVs and job offers of interest .
In 2023 the EPS will have a busy year . And that ' s great news . n
l Luc Bergé , EPS President
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