Eureka College New Student Packet 2013-14 | Page 8
Eureka College participates in a program of Accident and Sickness Insurance designed especially for students.
The annual charge for the 2012-2013 school year was set at $975 (12-month) and $575 (second semester
only). The 2013-2014 cost for this coverage will be determined after June 1st, 2013. All full-time students
attending the College are required to participate in this program unless an insurance waiver card as described
below is furnished. Students may also secure family coverage. Information regarding family coverage is
available through the Eureka College Business Office.
An insurance waiver card requesting insurance verification will be sent with the student’s statement of student
account in July. The waiver must be filled out, signed, and returned each year at the beginning of the fall
semester. Failure to return the waiver card with proof of insurance coverage will result in the purchase of the
college sponsored health and accident insurance plan. The premium will be charged to the student’s account.
A medical expense benefit schedule for the college sponsored insurance plan is also sent with each student’s
statement in July. For additional information, students may contact the Business Office at
(309) 467-6309 or 1-800-548-9144.
NCAA requires students participating in intercollegiate athletics to purchase additional
insurance coverage through the College. The 2013-2014 fees are estimated to be as follows:
Football = $260.00
Basketball/Soccer = $155.00
All other sports = $130.00
(Athletic Insurance Fees are tentative and subject to change.)
If a student is involved in more than one athletic program, the student does not have to pay a fee for each.
The highest applicable fee must be paid. Further information is available by calling the Business Office at
(309) 467-6309 or 1-800-548-9144.