EURASIAN EDUCATION №1 2015 | Page 10

20 years of the APK ¹1 (1) 2015 Мақала Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясын құру және көп ұлтты Қазақстан жағдайында ұйымның қызметін жолға қою жөніндегі саяси бастамаларына ғылыми тұрғыдан баға беруге арналған. Мақалада Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясының қалыптасу тарихы баяндалады, ұйымның Қазақстан қоғамындағы бірлік пен келісімді сақтаудағы стратегиялық міндеттеріне ғылыми талдау жасалған. ATANTAYEVA BAKYT Shakarim Semey State University Doctor of historical sciences, professor OSPANOVA AKMARAL PhD student of Comparative history, Dokuz Eylul University, The Republic of Turkey, Izmir. Данная статья посвящена научному осмыслению политических инициатив Президента Республики Казахстан Нурсултана Назарбаева по созданию Ассамблеи народа Казахстана и организации ее деятельности в условиях многонационального Казахстане. Освещению истории становления Ассамблеи и анализу приоритетных задач представительного органа в сохранени и единства, толерантности и общественного согласия в казахстанском обществе. This scientific article specially deals with a political initia- tive of N.A. Nazarbaev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in foundationof the Assembly of Kazakhstan People in multi-national and multi-confessional State. It also analyses a main duty of keeping of unity and tolerance deeply and from the point of historical view having clarified the organization's main targets. ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE OF KAZAKHSTAN: HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Introduction: Kazakhstan is one of the young developing states, which is forming its own shape in national civilization. Having re- alized industrial and innovative policy in an integrated way and having kept friendship of nations Kazakhstan could riseinto the world level from the beginning of first years of independence. N.A. Nazarbaev, the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan founded an "Assembly of Kazakhstan People" on based his order №2066 on the 1st of March in 1995 [1]. N.A. Nazarbaev, the President told about his initiation of opening of the Assembly of Kazakhstan People (AKP) at the beginning of 1990s and told his idea about consolida- tion of all national and cultural movements in the Republic in one union. Also, in order to regulate inter - ethnical pro- cesses N.A. Nazarbaev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan set forward an idea of foundation of Assembly of people "which gives possibility every day to hear a voice of a person, any people and any nation"at the 1st forum of Kazakhstan People in 1992.Based on this a new entity regu- lator appeared in the sphere of national policy between so- cial and political arena of the Republic, i.e. Assembly of Kazakhstan People was founded and pre-conditions of pre- vention and solution of problems of inter-ethnical unity and consent [1]. As a result the State Head chose a single di- rection, i.e. the right way of the policy which formed a mat- ter of consolidation of all nations in the Republic into one general structure. During these years N.A. Nazarbaev is considered as a Founder and a Managing Chairman of the Assembly. As reputation of this organization is so high, not only Assem- bly of Kazakhstan People and social organizations and governments of former union Republics which enter the CIS but also worldwide known Union - United Nations Organi- zation (UNO)and European Organization of Community and Collaboration (EOCC) reckon with.Regional organizations and small Assembly Secretariat were formed from the day of establishment of AKP. The Assembly staff is formed from the heads of Republican and regional national and cultural 8 unions. Every year Assembly sessions are held and differ- ent problems, emerged in national and cultural centers are solved. AKP is a model for other CIS republics as a recog- nized institute of international and inter-confessional consent.A phenomenal instituteof nations' friendship raisedonto the level of civilization institute since the Assem- bly founded, nowadays worldwide association recognized it as a great achievement of the human experience in the XXI century. Now being under the President and having a position of Consultant Body, the AKP became a real demo- cratic regulator of inter - ethnical relations, protection of small nations'rights, free development of multinational cul- ture and languages in Kazakhstan on the wide scaled dia- logue arena of people's parliamentarism [2]. Analyses: Nowadays all necessary conditions were made in order to develop culture, languages and traditions of all Kazakhstan ethnos. Number of ethnical and cultural asso- ciations is constantly increasing; now they are more than 800, among them 28 are Republican. Newspapers and magazines are published in 15 languages, radio programs are broadcasted in 8 languages and TV programs are broad- casted in 7 languages. There are 88 schools which educa- tion is fully given in Uzbek, Tajik, Uighur and Ukrainian lan- guages. 108 schools teach 22 languages as a separate subject. Moreover, not only children but also adults have possibility to learn languages of 30 ethnical groups. 195 ethnical and educational complexes, Sunday and linguistic schools were opened. Except Kazakh and Russian theatres four more theatres are working in our country, they are Uzbek, Uighur, Korean and German. Every year dozens of books in ethnical groups' languages are published in Kazakhstan. Holidays, i.e. Nauryz, 1st of May - the Day of people's friendship, Maslenitsa, Sabantui became as yearly tradition. If during the period of the State's formation the main target was organization of society based on the inter- ethnical stability and social consent, then during the period of the Country's development the main target is to reach