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system of fair judicial elections . For many years , our people have been suffering from the injustice of the courts , election fraud and illegal arrests " 50 .
It can be concluded from the above that as a result of the amendments to the previous articles , as well as the amendments to these articles , an attempt was made to exclude the opposition from the election campaign as much as possible . By shortening the deadlines for announcing elections before the start of the voting day , the latter are deprived of full participation in the elections and are unable to prepare for the elections on time . In this regard , in 2015 , a number of Azerbaijani parties stated that they will not run in the elections . In particular , neither the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan nor the National Council of Democratic Forces participated in the parliamentary elections of 2015 . At the same time , he stated that half of the conditions necessary for free and fair elections in the country were not met , which is why they refused to participate in the elections 51 . A number of parties called for a boycott of the elections , including some parties of the Freedom 2015 bloc . This fact , of course , could not but affect the future activities of the alliance . Thus , the leader of the Freedom Party Ahmed Oruj stated that there is no transparent environment in the country to participate in the elections and refused to participate in the elections . He added that the latter asked the government to discuss these issues , but did not receive a positive answer 52 .
It should be noted that the last amendment to Article 8.1 in 2018 left the requirement almost the same . It was clearly stated that the deadline for announcing elections was changed from 75 to 60 . What prevents the government from announcing the elections exactly 60 or even sooner , 50 days before , which was implemented in the 2010 amendments ? Nothing , in fact . It turns out that the Azerbaijani authorities do not intend to improve the position of the opposition in the Electoral Code , to give them the opportunity to run at least on equal terms in the local , presidential and Milli Mejlis elections . Additionally , in 2018 , International observers recorded 63 cases of tension at polling stations , including 20 attempts to influence voters who came to the polls , and 9 cases of intimidation . Unauthorized persons were found in 78 polling stations ; 19 incidents in polling
News Website , '' Müsəlman Birliyi '' hərəkatı prezident seçkilərini boykot edəcək ”, Mart 27 , 2018 , last modified March 23 , 2021 , https :// www . meydan . tv / ru / article / muselmanbirliyi-herekati-prezident-seckilerini-boykot-edecek /,
News Website , “ What to expect from the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan ?”, October 30 , 2015 , last modified March 20 , 2021 , https :// www . bbc . com / russian / - international / 2015 / 10 / 151030 _ azeri _ parliament _ elections
News Website , “ Seçkinin əsas müzakirə mövzusu – boykot ”, September 23 , 2015 , last modified March 24 , 2021 , https :// musavat . com / news / siyaset / sechkinin-esas-muzakiremovzusu-boykot _ 293854 . html