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Now many people are used to excessive consumption and luxury consumption , many families need to bear the mortgage , car loan , credit card consumption . The epidemic affects all walks of life , and the income of many families will be affected . Overconsumption , which can be affordable when income is stable , may become a burden for many people . Through this global epidemic , people ' s outlook on life consumption may change , and they will be more rational about excessive consumption and luxury consumption .
Social interaction : America is a country that advocates individualism . It is also the foundation of American democracy , the basis of the “ American dream ”, promoting the development of the economy and the progress of society . Excessive emphasis on individualism , however , without constraint , inevitably brings hidden trouble to society and crisis too . Advocating personal freedom during the outbreak constitutes one of the main obstacles to preventing the disease .
“ Social distancing ”, telecommuting , and distinctions between " essential " and " non-essential " workers make a difference in terms of gender , race / ethnicity , education , occupation , etc . The most vulnerable groups are at greater risk , including low-income workers , the elderly , people with chronic diseases , and those living in confined spaces such as prisons or detention facilities for migrants .
Covid-19 forces a rapid shutdown of the normal patterns of social interaction that drive economic and social activity 3 . Most people experience interruptions in the normal rhythm of daily life because of enforced social distancing and may continue to experience interruptions in work , school , social and family relationships 4 . As a result , education , health , social services and faith-based organizations , government , criminal justice , the law , and many other infrastructures that rely on human connections have been forced to change their practices rapidly , moving some practices quickly online 5 . The pandemic has led to an increase in the practice of working from home and has greatly accelerated and maintained greater use of the Internet 6 . Although these trends predate Covid-19 and were predicted in the 1980s , when Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) ( was still in its infancy , Covid-19 accelerated them 7 . Whether
Clement A Tisdell , Economic , social and political issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic , Economic analysis and policy vol . 68 ( 2020 ), 17-28 .
Darton D . O ’ Neill G ., The changing role of the household economy in a world of expanding technology , In : Tisdell C . A ., Maitra P ., editors . Technological Change , Development and the Environment : Socio-Economic Perspectives . second ed . ( Routledge ; London and New York : 2018 ), pp . 217 – 238 .