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The WHO has been sending personal protective equipment and laboratory supplies to the countries where the COVID-19 has occurred and is confident that the scale of deaths will gradually be brought under control .
Economically , there will be incalculable losses : The Covid-19 pandemic is a human problem facing all mankind and no country or region has immunity to it . At present , it is the era of a global economy , and the production and economy between countries are more and more closely connected . The upstream and downstream supply chains of many manufacturing industries are distributed in different countries . The global outbreak of the pandemic will cause the supply chains of various industries to break , and in addition , tourism and transportation of various countries will be restricted . It is bound to cause significant economic losses to many industries such as manufacturing , tourism , air traffic and service industries in various countries . If the situation is not effectively controlled , a world-class economic crisis will occur , affecting the whole world . In its World Economic Outlook released on April 14 , the International Monetary Fund named the global public health crisis " The Great Lockdown ", comparing it to The Great Depression , which has dealt a fatal blow to the functioning of the highly globalized world economy . In the United States , for example , unemployment levels exceed those in the past decade , reaching their highest levels since the Great Depression , and output fell more in the first two quarters of 2020 than during the Great Recession of 2008-09 1 . Millions of Americans who are hours away from losing unemployment aid or the small business they have spent years building have a simple plea to President Trump and Congress : Please help us . The Washington Post has been inundated with messages and phone calls from people on the verge of losing their homes and cars and going hungry this holiday who are stunned that President Trump and Congress cannot agree on another emergency aid package . Several broke down crying in phone interviews 2 .
Human eating and living habits : The cause of this outbreak is the spread of a wild animal virus . We believe that through this epidemic , all mankind will strengthen the protection of wild animals , resolutely avoid eating wild animals , and put an end to the sale and trade of wild animals .
Fernandes N , Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak ( COVID-19 ) on the World Economy , 2020 , https :// papers . ssrn . com / sol3 / papers . cfm ? abstract _ id = 3557504
Heather Long and Rachel Siegel , Families on brink of eviction , hunger describe nightmare Christmas as $ 900 billion relief bill hangs in limbo , Dec . 25 , 2020 , https :// www . washingtonpost . com / business / 2020 / 12 / 24 / trump-congress-stimulusunemployment-reaction /