A word from REEM ANSARI,
Junior Girls Student Body President
It's an honour for me to have come up all this way. I would first of all be very grateful to the Almighty for His blessings and every single moment He has let me enjoy, and also for this very special place. Next, I'd be grateful to my revered parents and learned teachers and my dearest Principal and Director, without whom I could never have taken such a huge step. I'm also very much thankful to my lovely friends for handing over their shoulder whenever I needed one, especially all of the closest ones. Last but not the least, I have a huge place for those very close to my heart with lots and lots of hugs and love, for those who've been my role models, my inspiration, my strength, my everything.
Children - the paper bags of joy, the ones for whom I'd be ready to even give up eating chocolates! I've been loving children ever since I've matured, and have been whining about like one even today. Usually I and one of my very close companions end up playing silly childish games with small little girls, going around and randomly giving high-fives to the tiny ones, to which my friends laugh out loudly. But no matter what anyone says, children are a blessing; they need to be nurtured gently with immense love and care and I'm never going back on my words as the Primary Section Head Girl.
Everyone has, in fact, a child hidden within themselves, and I'm proud to say that this child within me is not hidden from anybody. The soft corner and love I bear for these lively but notorious ones is bound to never break.