Euphoria April 2013 - March 2014 | Page 21

Mr. Tojo George, Senior Boys



In the words of Aristotle, “Knowledge is that which enlightens the mind and brings about refinement in life.” Here, the philosopher sums up the perfect interpretation in a few words thereby pinpointing the roles, aims and significance of education in the real sense of the word. But nowa days the interpretation of education has absolutely changed and simultaneously the roles and aims too have equally changed. Education as compared to that prevalent in the ancient times was not based on materialism and commercialism. Instead, it was purely based on spiritualism, identification of the relationship of human beings with the Divinity reflecting the rights and duties of one man upon another thereby developing gradually the sense of morality and ethics which is indeed the sole aim of the acquisition of knowledge.

But with the passage of time the purpose of that accompl- ishment of knowledge continued to change gradually as morality gave way to commercialism and materialism and consequently education began to lose its sanctity that lies in its right application and farsighted applicability and when moral degeneration started people began to be unconscious about the moral considerations and ethical values and consequently the world started marching towards destruction. Education has become too expensive as well as advanced and sophisticated but it has ceased to influence mankind ethically because now the vision and insight of man about education has become solely commercial. Hence, if we want education to discharge its actual function influencing mankind positively, it shall have to be decommercialised.