Many of us are unhappy in their lives. We believe that if only we earned more money, were thinner, were married (or single), had more friends, then we would be happy. What we fail to realize is that lasting happiness doesn’t come from anything outside of ourselves, nor does it just happen for some but not others. We are each responsible for creating our own happiness, regardless of outer circumstances. We can start being happy by loving our lives exactly as they are right now. Here’s how:
Choose happiness. We often think of happiness as something that happens to us rather than something we choose. However, only 10 per cent of our happiness depends on our life circumstances. To start loving your life, make a conscious decision to start thinking more positively. It is important to remember that while you can’t always change what happens to you, you can change how you react to it. Rather than going with your instinctive reaction, try to look for the silver lining in situations.
Live in the present moment. When you are living in the present, you are living where life is happening right now, not ruminating over the past or stressing out about future events.
'Feel Good Formula' is the perfect formula which incorporates the 'happiness six'. They include: Living in the moment, curiosity, spending time with family, doing something you love, thinking of others first and taking care of your body.