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EUNOIA FROM THE EDITOR I vividly remember – it was our first All-hands ADs call with our most beloved Division Director DTM Jennifer Ghosh. When she asked us “Guys, do you have any suggestions or questions?”. I responded “Jenny di, I am planning to have my Area level Newsletter, what do you think?”. She exclaimed “Brilliant idea!”. I was more than happy. Then she suffixed it with “Better still, why don’t you come up with our Division H Quarterly newsletter!” Well, excitement, happiness and extreme nervousness are few of the initial emotions I experienced when she gave me this daunting task. But I must say that the process and product both have surpassed my expectations. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Trio – District Director, DTM Mukesh Kulothia, Club Growth Director, DTM Deepak Sharma and Program Quality Director DTM Pallav Verma for their constant support and encouragement in each and every facet of this newsletter and also our District 41 clubs. I can’t thank beloved Division Director DTM Jennifer Ghosh enough for being the wind beneath our wings. A big shout out to all my fellow Area Directors (AD Anirban, AD Annesha, AD Vaibhav) who inspite of their hectic work schedules encouraged their clubs to come forth and contribute to this newsletter. As far as this first issue goes, the starting point was what would the Newsletter be called? We had a mini “Name-thebaby” kind of a competition as suggested by DTM Jennifer. I was extremely pleased with her pick as it was my personal favorite as well – “EUNOIA” (a Greek word, meaning "well mind" or "beautiful thinking") – It was as if the Newsletter chose its own name ! Thank you TM Sweta Gupta (Tech Mahindra Toastmasters Club, Bhubaneswar) – one of the most sincere and passionate Toastmasters I have met. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my Team of magicians who have worked extremely hard in a packed schedule with their work, Club and Area level contests, personal life – you name it ! TM Sangeeta Pattanaik (Editor, Tech Mahindra Toastmasters Club, Bhubaneswar) – Her smile would light up a dark room and one of the most warm persons I have come across. Amrapali Patnaik, Editor in Chief TM Smita Pati (Graphic Designer, Infosys Toastamasters Bhubaneswar, SEZ) – Hardworking and focused. She is one of the few persons who flourish under pressure – Kudos to you! TM Medha Hossain (Publicist, In-Steel Community Club, Jamshedpur) – She would touch you by her innocence and vibrancy. One of the youngest members of Toastmasters but also one of the grittiest as well! TM Sandeep Prasad (Publicist, In-Steel Community Club, Jamshedpur) – Sandeep has been one of the most positive Toastmasters around - Silent yet resilient! TM Chetna Verma (Proof Reader, In-Steel Community Club, Jamshedpur) – Chetna Mam is one of the most approachable persons I have met. You cannot help noticing the positive vibrations she exudes. TM Deepika Jain (Content Manager, Salt Lake Toastmasters Club, Kolkata) – She holds lot of promise not only as Toastmaster but also as a Content Manager. TM Jahangeer (Proof Reader, Salt Lake Toastmasters Club, Kolkata) – He holds a great attitude and comes out as a very driven individual TM Ankit Mishra (Graphics Designer, TCS Maitree Bhubaneswar Toastmasters Club) – Passionate and a gogetter. But Ankit fell sick with Jaundice and could only provide moral support to the team ! We are looking forward for you to be back into action! We would be looking forward for your articles, ideas, success stories, events, feedback and suggestions to [email protected] . We would be eagerly waiting to hear from you . Let all the great minds come together and I wish you all to have an enjoyable read ! SEP 2016 | EUNOIA | 3