Eufora Magazine January - March 2017 | Page 3


It ’ s only one day out of 365 . Many would say , it ’ s a day just like any other . But on each New Year ’ s Day , for as long as I can remember , I reflect on the past twelve months , and I ’ m amazed at just how much has changed in this very short period of time .
Looking back , there are always things that I ’ m proud of , great successes and special happy moments . There are things that I wish I ’ d done differently , things that somehow went awry . Sometimes there is sadness , especially this past year with the tragedy of our recent loss .
Still , when looking forward to the start of each New Year , I , like most people find that one of the greatest human emotions always comes front and center in my thinking … HOPE .
Beth & Don Bewley Eufora Co-Founders
It ’ s a time for great optimism and excitement for the possibilities that a New Year can bring . We hold great expectations for the future and are hopeful about the path our lives will take . The desire for a better future for ourselves and our loved ones seems to be at an all-time high .
The hopes , dreams and goals we set for ourselves in the year ahead and beyond can only become possible with our commitment to take action . Let our hope for the future be the fuel for our actions now . Directing our passion and energy toward a realistic plan will make our dreams become reality .
Right now is the right time to choose to take action that will bring our future vision , dreams and hopes to life . Twelve months from now , as we reflect back on this year , what will we be proud of , what will we have achieved ?
But we all must remember , it ’ s not just the start of a new year that brings hope . Each day offers a new beginning and the chance to change , learn and grow . We must embrace each day as a new opportunity to keep moving forward to what we hope for , to do what it is that makes us really happy .
Wishing you a beautiful year full of Hope and the Courage to take Action . ~ Beth Bewley