EU Leadership Magazine EU Leadership Mag Dec 19 | Page 4
Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Elena Brower
What were the biggest hurdles you overcame around us might feel diminished. I have to keep learning and
on the way to Presidential Diamond? releasing such misunderstandings. Once I shifted my mindset
The biggest obstacle to this rank was the misperception I'd had to welcome my own impending advancement, the team began
about network marketing. For so long I sabotaged my business
shifting too.
potential due to this misunderstanding. When I saw the culture
of generosity, I finally said “yes” to building. I'm here to build What advice would you give to someone who
a network of teachers, families, leaders, and luminaries with is trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
whom I'll continue to learn more about myself and human Communicate Clearly. Keep your family, friends, and team
nature than I'd ever imagined possible.
apprised of your intentions so they understand what's going on
To reach this rank, I had to re-design my schedule to reflect new with you—especially at the end of the month. If this is a month
priorities. This happened slowly because I resisted the concept when you know you’ll be working extra hard to finish, let them
of my own success. We’re afraid to succeed because we would know. For me, the beginning of the month is when we typically
have to sustain it. We’re afraid to be great because others take downtime; the end of the month is when I'm working with
Images by Chloe Crespi ( & Pete Longworth (