EU Leadership Magazine EU_EssLeadershipMag_Issue42_King_Cover | Page 7
“This business is not about us; it’s about others. Everything we do is to help others.
Whatever your strategy is, make sure helping people is part of it. We can always fi nd a way
of solving the problem if we’re thinking about others.” —Sun Zhong and Xi Fuchun
wisdom. She spends 95 percent of her time teaching people at this rank. You don’t experience the same level at Diamond.
how to use and love the products. I’m good at strategy and That’s why I encourage people to aim for higher ranks. When
planning. I help our leaders build their businesses. your downline is stable, you experience real freedom.
Fuchun: I just help people love the oils and keep using
them forever. When I encourage people to get started in the At this stage, what motivates you to
technicalities of the business, they go to my husband. continue building your business?
Zhong: She shows people why, and then I tell them how. Zhong: As leaders, if we don’t move up, we have a hard time
She’ll say, “There are a bunch of people who want to be
Diamond this month. Can you help?” I say, “Yes, that’s my job.”
asking others to move up. We need to lead. This is one reason
we continue building.
Fuchun: We like to teach and help people. We want to help
How have you learned to balance running your people use essential oils, build a business, and experience
business and taking care of your family? freedom. There are still people to help, so we need to keep
Zhong: Our family is the reason we do this business. They moving up.
come fi rst. Our dōTERRA ® business has allowed us to build
our business and take care of family at the same time. We How has this business changed your life?
work hard, and our kids have witnessed the whole thing for Zhong: Pretty much in all aspects, from my lifestyle to the way
the last fi ve years.
Fuchun: For me, family is always the most important. I always
show my team that I focus on my family fi rst. I don’t teach
I think. Before dōTERRA, I thought my responsibility was just
to take care of my family, raise my kids, and treat my friends
equally. Now I have a widespread opportunity to change a lot
them to sacrifi ce their family for the business—that’s not the of people’s lives.
right way. They like my priorities. They’re also working hard Fuchun: I learned how to take care of myself, and then how
because they want to support their families.
to use essential oils to take care of my kids, family, and mom.
I love it all. I always tell people, “Even if you aren’t making
Some people do not want to reach Presidential any money with dōTERRA, you’re making lives better.” That’s
Diamond because of how hard and stressful it seems. honestly how I feel. This business has changed me so much.
What are the benefi ts of this rank? Why should
someone strive to reach it?
Zhong: For me, each step has been hard. The biggest
challenge was hitting Diamond. If you’ve hit Diamond, you
know you have to put in the work. Yes, we’re busy, but it’s
a diff erent kind of busy. Once we reached Presidential
Diamond, our lifestyle changed dramatically. We feel more
freedom fi nancially and in life generally. We can make our
own schedule. We have more power to do good. That’s what
is diff erent about this rank. We can help more people now,
compared to when we were Diamond.
Fuchun: To become Presidential Diamond, we had to build a
stable team. That stability really is the freedom that happens
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on