EU_EssLeadershipMag_Issue46_Vreeman | Page 22


Terese Hamilton


A Personal Journey to Success

Terese has been building her dōTERRA ® business for years , finding success as she ’ s worked with her incredible team . Each Wellness Advocate has his or her own personal journey to success , and Terese ’ s own has insightful lessons that can help any leader , novice or experienced .

When you ’ re building a business , you ’ re bound to make mistakes — likely a lot of them . But Terese tries to look at such shortcomings positively . Instead of becoming discouraged by her mistakes , she has learned to view them as opportunities to better herself . “ I truly believe each mistake was a lesson for me to learn . Sometimes I learned quickly , and other times it took a while . But I constantly want to improve and grow .” This mindset has helped Terese become a better leader . When she first started , Terese felt the best thing she could do was have her team members build their businesses the same way she had , which included regularly teaching classes . As a professional teacher , Terese enjoys leading in a class-like setting and feels comfortable in front of a crowd , but she soon discovered not everyone felt the same way . Terese decided she had to take the time to really get to know her team members . “ By understanding each of my leaders ’ strengths , I ’ ve helped them discover ways of building their businesses that feel good to them .” Terese is still amazed by the results of this decision . “ I ’ ve seen leaders who felt stuck finally take ownership and have fun again , which has made their businesses grow .”
As her business has grown , Terese has discovered the importance of balance .
22 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JAN | FEB | MAR 2021 Images by Brittani Gonzalez