eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 | Page 77

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2014 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pedagogical-Didactical Multifocal Approach and By-Competences of eTwinning by Carmine Iannicelli school year. Introduction eTwinning provides all teachers with the opportunity to set up a project and collaborate with colleagues in Europe or with neighboring countries with the European Union. At the same time there are open parts of the forum dedicated to curricular sections of the work as scaffolding intended to support the study of classical languages. This is very interesting also for the possibility of co-construction of knowledge and the sharing of editorial choi ces of a subproject or a learning unit. The projects called 6 SMART (SMART is the acronym of share, motivated, adapt, record and take it easy, resembling the English word "smart" that means intelligent, brilliant) base their success on sharing, on motivation, adaptation but also on their simplicity, durability, and clarity of objectives easily achieved. In my opinion, these possibilities, already present in the portal, should be strengthened with more advanced digital containers – videoconference, system of awarding credits, the most advanced level social system and its integration into Google+, usability and more advanced modularity, sharing and co-editing documents. The “Classical Heritage” project, awarded with a Quality Label in 2013, started in order to re-visit the most relevant themes of culture and civilization of ancient Greeks and Romans in their extensive expression declined as language, literature, art, religion, vision of the world, by attempting to identify the value-axis, standby (Fortleben) and cultural evolution. At the same time this project aims primarily at promoting language learning and intercultural dialogue. By this we want to prove that ancient civilizations were taken from the archetypes of our thinking and our beliefs. In this sense, the ancient is useful in creating the idea that 'paideia' has never stopped. In a well-structured project, many are the suggestions for teachers who are experimenting with new teaching activities, facing the development of a curriculum, exchanging practices, group work. The central element of a multifocal project is its modularity and adaptability to the school context where eTwinning becomes the ideal ground, both in the pedagogical method and in the learning environment. Undoubtedly, eTwinning is expected to be open to a scheduled work to be done with other classes in Europe and with their teachers with whom you have to share the training agreement; and at the same time it is an environment open to the several problems raised by curricular work. It should be noticed that the multifocal mode is more advanced especially for the commitment in the project and for its overall management. Therefore you need to have an open mind, flexibility, knowledge of pedagogical models in order to accept the challenge of a journey that can have a rich yet unpredictable path. Also the TwinSpace is scheduled with threads that represent the evolution of the contents, insights, modules that are covered in the course of the This exchange, when it is applied, becomes a virtual job-shadowing that can become real and concrete with the opportunities offered by Erasmus+. Pedagogical Innovation The contents usually studied in a classical lyceum concern the morpho-syntax and the technique of translation of the text. The innovation consists in a transversal theme integrated, embedded into the multilingual and intercultural curriculum. The cognitive objectives in the project were reviewed and integrated. General educational objectives, methodological and strategic objectives related to the specific educational field (the acquisition of a method of independent study and flexible, multi and transdisciplinary methods and integrated strategies: Cooperative Learning-Discussionteaching workshop-case study-peer educationCognitive apprenticeship Metacognition– Constructivism): logical-argumentative, sociomotivational, historical, humanistic, technological. Summing up, the following innovations have been achieved: interdisciplinary and collaborative, active involvement of pupils, opening to the outside world, sustainability and transferability, and appropriate use of advanced ICT, documentation, monitoring, self-evaluation and continuous improvement, creativity and originality, pedagogical innovation in the development of school curricula, and close collaboration between teachers and students, a European dimension, forms of different communication. 77