eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 | Page 51

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2014 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All my projects have been planned in detail, each task was challenging, and that motivated me a lot. The students were those who proposed the ideas and the topics. All projects have been largely led by students, which included teamwork obviously. I have transferred the students the responsibility for the project and its results. eTwinning Project “Ulysse 2014, l’Odyssee du Twinspace” by Eleni Hartzavalou During the school year 2013-2014 students from 11 European schools in Austria, France, Greece, Spain and Italy, as well as one school from Africa, Tunisia, cooperated to create a collaborative narrative-story in the French language with Odysseus as the main hero and with Homer’s Odyssey as a starting point. Our school implemented the project using a crosscurricular approach involving many school subjects, apart from the French language: Ancient Greek (Homer’s Odyssey), Literature, Arts, Music, ICT and Geography. The project’s main concepts were: “abilities”, “creativity”, “learning”. My students are always enthusiastic and full of ideas when it comes to eTwinning. They enjoy talking to their partners in German. Solving project tasks increases their self-esteem as well. My students and I have accepted the challenge to try something new in order to get new skills. Many of our projects have been h ۛܙY