eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 | Page 32

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2014 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. ISBN 0-404-55843-7. Mulnix, J. W. (2010). Thinking critically about critical thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory. doi:10.1111/j.1469-5812.2010.00673.x, p. 471 Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2006). The Art of Socratic Questioning. from Scheffer, B. K. & Rubenfeld, M.G. (2000)."A Consensus Statement on Critical Thinking in Nursing," Journal of Nursing Education, 39, 352-9 Scheffer, B. K. & Rubenfeld, M.G. (2001)."Critical Thinking: What Is It and How Do We Teach It?," Current Issues in Nursing, J.M. Grace, Rubl, H.K. The first project I carried out was an ejournal: this project was based on a kit, it was a great success even though a little bit complicated to carry out, so the second project was easier: a simple