eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 | Page 25

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2014 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright Protection and Education by Branka Lamza Did you know that copyright in a work belongs to its author by the mere action of creation of the work? According to the European copyright law, only the author has the exclusive right to do with his copyrighted work and the benefits deriving from it whatever he likes. Every time we decide to create a presentation, a video or a slideshow, it is important to check whether the text, music, or photographs we intend to use are copyrighted. In the eTwinning project “Safe Internet: A Bridge Between Us” we wanted to develop pupils’ awareness of the notion of copyright. This does not mean detailed analysis of legal matters: in a nutshell, pupils need to be taught from their young age that taking other people’s credits for creation of any literary, musical or artistic work is wrong. The project was founded in November 2013 by Evaggelia Kontopidi (Greece) and Liz Allton (United Kingdom). The main aim set by the founders was “to encourage the good use of the Internet and computers, promote awareness of Internet safety and create a better Internet together". One of the goals was also to support Safer Internet Day 2014. Every year in February my colleague Iva Naranđa, an IT teacher, and I traditionally mark this day by various activities with our pupils, aged 10-14. We organize integrated classes of English and IT which typically consist of two 45 minute lessons and include: introducing and expanding vocabulary of English related to the topic and applying this knowledge using Web 2.0 tools. Pupils create presentations (Prezi, Emaze), cartoons, comics (Pixton, Tondoo), animated videos (Go!Animate), estories (StoryBird), audio messages with speaking characters (Voki), quizzes and games (Zondle, ProProfs, Kubbu). When we found out about the project “Safe Internet: A Bridge Between Us” we thought that joining in would be a good idea since all our activities could be easily integrated into it. What is more, the project offered our pupils a possibility to find out about internet safety policies in other countries as well as to compare their digital habits to the ones of their peers abroad. So, we were very happy to be accepted in such a project. For a start we organized a Skype session, which included a quiz with the Greek team led by the project founder Evaggelia Kontopidi. The pupils were to prepare questions on internet safety for the other team. Skype sessions are always fun for our pupils – they have a chance to get to know each other, and a set of prepared “true/false” questions is an excellent way to check general knowledge on the theme and encourage pupils to develop communication with the other team. One of the topics we tackled in our quiz was copyright. This was also the topic of our following integrated classes of English and IT organized for Safer Internet Day 2014. The pupils – our 8th graders, aged 14 – were shown a presentation on the Croatian copyright law, which largely complies with the copyright law of the other EU member countries. Let me cite the articles we concentrated on: Copyright - rights of authors in respect of their works in the literary, scientific and artistic domains. Copyright shall belong, by its nature, to a natural person who has created a copyright work. The author has the exclusive right to do with his copyright work and the benefits deriving from it whatever he likes, and not to allow any other person to do the same. The author may allow another person to use a copyright work. 25