Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for my second Comenius project. In both projects I
used my network to find partners.
use our network on Google Hangout, but it would
be nice to have our own. But maybe in the future.
On Facebook, there are so many groups of
interests, divided into country groups – e.g., and more specified groups - eg.
Teachers partnership, Comenius and eTwinning
social networks, all sites where teachers round
Europe can build and develop their network.
Coming to one of the seminars round Europe, you
will not actually be alone - there will always be
someone from your network group.
If someone asks for your friendship on those media,
accept - remember - it is always great to visit a
new country knowing someone will help you if you
need help, or just meet for a pint or a dinner.
I went to Istanbul two years ago, and asked my
network in Istanbul what to see, when you want to
visit sights which are not so known. We were picked
up at the hotel one Thursday by the headmaster
and a teacher; by car they showed us a lot of
things, we had lunch at the school, we went on a
tour on Bosporus, and had dinner at a restaurant in
the evening - so fantastic!
Later that week, we went to Rize in Turkey - on our
own expense - to visit an eTwinning project, and we
spent have some fantastic days with the students
and my contact.
So dear European teachers, develop your network
and use it!
Niels Askholm is an eTwinning Ambassador in
Denmark. He works in a school just outsite
Copenhagen. His school has just ended a Comenius
project, and will start a new one in September. They
have had for the last 3 years a lot of eTwinning
projects, and look forward to joining many more in
the future.
eTwinning network is an unique way to develop
your own universe - academic and private. The only
thing I miss is a chat-line and a video channel on
TwinSpace for everybody on eTwinning, not only in
the project but across all projects - but still a closed
platform only for students and teachers. Today we