eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 4

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - looking at it; Teachers are elastic – Physics cannot explain it, but teachers are constantly stretching themselves to do everything a crazy classroom requires: active methods, differentiated instruction, doing mountains of paperwork in a couple of hours, holding parent-teacher meetings with a smile on your face even if disaster approaches, researching ever newer teaching tools and techniques, and much more; Teachers can start fires – it is the spark of learning; Teachers are super patient, really; Each teacher is equipped with a hammer like Thor, and knows how and when to use it – this is simply called ‘keeping discipline’, and you are not afraid to bring down the hammer when necessary; Teachers can deflect distractors – that is, students who try to get you off topic; Teachers are able to create force fields around classrooms – a safe, protective classroom environment that welcomes students, no matter what they experience outside the classroom’s doors. To all these, we added some more, but first let me tell you that what ignited us was the understanding that we needed to have a strategy. At first, at the beginning of our voyage, we were all rather confused, with all our super powers, and what helped us to move on was grasping the fact that strategy-making was most of the times for most people in most situations about confused individuals eventually reaching common ground. So it was like creating a safari park. Another metaphor here: the fenced territory – a common framework for everybody, teachers and students involved, simultaneously allowing for various degrees of freedom. And in this safari park collaboration stepped in. Living and working nowadays require us to handle a lot of information, which is really beyond what we can manage alone. Therefore working in teams becomes crucial to accomplish many tasks in less time and with more effectiveness. Collaboration does work. There are countless success stories based on collaboration: The Beatles in music, Apple and Microsoft in corporate giants, the Wrights brothers in inventions, Warner Bros in entertainment. It is not about competition, but about contributing – there are no losers or winners, only successful relationships, enhanced skills and group outputs. It was like that for us too. There was tension as well at times, just the right amount to get lots done. We ended up by adding up 4 more super powers: First, the power of listening – genuine and fruitful relationships are built when the conversational space is filled with everybody’s thoughts and concerns, so we have practiced this power of listening a lot. One more super power is the power of empathy – trying to see beyond one’s own agenda. Third come ́ѡ