Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am sharing here my personal experience as a
teacher trainer and local coordinator of two kinds of
agencies involved in teacher development: a
professional network of teachers and the local
“branch” of a national association of Italian
language teachers. Within the regular activity of
these networks, it is possible to arrange an “Open
Afternoon” in order to present the projects together
with the process underlying the project itself. The
activity would be particularly relevant to share all
the steps teachers – and students – took in all the
several stages of the decision-making process: the
objectives, the contents selected for that project,
the web tools explored, the relevance of the project
to the whole class syllabus, the interdisciplinary
Open days/afternoons or simply eTwinning sessions
of this kind are not the same seminars given at
national or regional level organized by the National
Agencies with the aim of introducing eTwinning as
one of the actions to promote common projects
among European schools – it is something more. It
is using an amount of relevant work carried out by
some local classes in order to make materials,
procedures, good practices and advice available to
colleagues probably living and working next door,
but who have not had the chance and/or the
courage to take advantage of eTwinning. It is also a
way to show other teachers working in schools
similar to ours, and even teaching the same
subjects and syllabus, that eTwinning can be
included in our curriculum and exploit a particular
aspect of our syllabus.
This way it is really a bottom-up approach, which is
flexible, democratic and does not require too much