eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 34

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------accepted. Nothing happend. I never got an email saying that ı was accepted that year. I wrote an email to CSS to tell them I wanted to create a group of my own. As you might guess ,there was no reply to my emails .That time I gave up and forgot about them. About two moths later somehow I received two emails stating that I was accepted to join two groups, and I did not know how to feel really. Another adventure had just started for me and I had to learn how groups function. After spending many hours again, I got through them easily and guess what, I become a Sub-moderator in the Creative Classroom Group, which was and is wonderful for me, but I think I deserved it because I was working to contribute the group really hard. The groups are great, and they are the right places to share experiences and learn from each other in a friendly and sincere atmosphere. ‘eTwinning Groups enable registered teachers to be real and active eTwinners in a friendly community, and let them feel the great sense of gathering for a common purpose’ I was learning and learning, every passing single day I was adding new skills to my profession and teaching them to my students in my classes. My classes were getting much more fun each day. One of my projects, called “Show Me Around”, was perfectly fitting to my school curriculum, and we the partners were both studying our school subject and working on the project at the same time, the tasks and activities of our project were the same with our schools coursebook modules - such as daily life, family, celebrations, health etc. At times we were doing collaborative classes using Skype on mobile Internet. It was the concrete proof that eTwining could be used in classrooms and add real liveliness to class periods. My students were learning with other students miles away from our country.I got really impressive results doing so. ‘eTwinning brings joy and excitement into the classrooms and fosters online collaborative learning’ We were working really hard with my students, and the number of my projects was increasing. I had many friends from other countries with all of whom I was on really good terms.Then I got my first National Quality Label, which made us really happy and gave us strength to work harder. I was also helping my friends on the eTwinning portal and inspiring them with some creative ideas. Soon after, I was an eTwinning mentor, and three Eropean Quality Labels followed this. I was invited to an eTwinning seminar by our NSS and awarded for my work, my projects and for encouraging new eTwinners – I was awarded for my being the most hardworking eTwinner! After that ,I was invited to a Grundtvig programme in Greece for 10 days to work with learners on ICT and its applications. I had achieved a good reputation on the eTwinning portal. Thanks to eTwinning I got recognition both in my country and in other European countries. ‘eTwinning is the best way to get recognition nationally and internationally’ My qualifications on ICT and projects was increasing every passing day because eTwinning was a part ق